
Next door to Holy Trinity Church is one of the church's main outreach points, The Trinity Centre. The Trinity Centre is comprised of the "Over The Doorstep" gift shop and coffee shop. The centre is owned by The Trinity Foudation trust which works in conjunction with Holy Trinity Church. The shops are run by a core of paid staff complemented by an army of volunteer help which is mainly recruited from local churches. trinity centre

The aims of the Trinity Centre are:

to provide a restful and friendly atmosphere where visitors to the town centre can relax and enjoy good value.

to generate profit which is used to support Christian mission in Eastbourne and throughout the world

tp provide an opportunity for the staff - paid and volunteer - to witness to their faith in Jesus through practical services to the public.

Tea, coffee and other light refreshments are served daily (Monday to Friday) from 10.00am to 4.00pm, and from 10.00am to 2.00pm on Saturdays. Lunches are also served daily between 11.30am and 1.30pm. For further information please call: 01323 724037. Click here to see a current menu

Just behind the coffee shop is the Church Hall - the venue for our Christianity Explored course - an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith. If you would like any more information, please contact the church office, or visit the Christianity Explored website.

All content: © Holy Trinity Parish Church, Eastbourne 2005 - Contact Us